Monday, December 12, 2011

My name is Jill and I have a Pinteresting Problem

So if you don't have a crafting or creative bone in your body, not that there's anything wrong with that, you may not have heard of the new craze called Pinterest, found at

Since my right brain took my left hostage long ago, leaving me helpless when it comes to metric conversions (I have a magnet on my fridge) and taxes, I cannot leave this site.  Seriously, I think I have a problem, especially now that it comes up in everyday conversation for me!

It has helped me expand my creative energies outside the kitchen, however, sure to make my friends and family happier at Christmas and other gift-giving times.  Here's just a small sample of "pinteresting gifts" I've made for Christmas... maybe it will inspire you to make a gift with love!

Snowman Gum Stocking Stuffer
Pack of Trident, a black permanent marker and orange paint pen.

Family Memory Jar
A mason jar, some frosted glass spray paint, ribbon, scrapbook paper and modge podge for lid, monogram sticker and a cute notebook.  The idea is for the family to jot down good and funny memories through the year and read them on New Year's Eve.

Snowball Surprise
White crepe paper, small toys and treats, your imagination and creativity.   This is a child's gift and the idea is the unwrapping is just as fun as the gifts inside.  Rhenna's is filled with girly things... nail polish, lip gloss, Disney princess bandaids and magnets, jewel stickers and a Reese's Christmas Tree candy.  Start in the middle with one gift, and keep wrapping with crepe paper and adding gifts until the outside looks like a snowball, then seal with a holiday sticker!

Emergency Wallet
Pot holder, button, ribbon for button holder, zippered pouch to hold all the goodies, plus items a woman might need on hand.  I used gum, mini toothbrush "wisps", chapstick, hand gel, quarters, notepad, pen, tampon, nail file, Tums, Advil and Band-Aids.  I sewed (by hand and it is not neat!) a line down the middle of the zippered pouch to attach it to the pot holder.  Then I sewed on the button and ribbon to make a closure.  I had the button, pouch and some of the inside items on hand, making it a perfect gift-exchange gift!

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