Monday, December 12, 2011

Smoothie Love

Since I'll be posting about some awesome yet super-rich Christmas foods over the next two weeks, I figured I'd better sprinkle in some recipes you can feel good about too!

Smoothies tend to be my go to snack.  They are easy, and I've discovered that I like them made with plain, unflavored Greek yogurt.  It may sound icky at first, but take a look at the sugar content on the packaging... there's still plenty of natural sugars in plain yogurt! 

These four ingredients make my favorite combination... sweet frozen cherries, almond butter, the yogurt and a little milk to get it all moving.  I have a Cuisinart stick blender with smoothie cup I received as a Christmas gift last year.   I can't live without it now!

I put about a cup of cherries, 1/4 cup of milk, 2 tablespoons of almond butter and about 6 oz. of yogurt (measurements are all approximate, since I just dump it in with a regular spoon), blend and drink.  It's so yummy and so good for you!

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