Thursday, December 15, 2011

Simple Mom Lunch

Here's one of my favorite lunches, Christmastized! (is that even a word?)  I love eggs; they are cheap and easy to fix, plus one egg is a complete source of protein and keeps me full.  Well, at least until I see a piece of chocolate :)

To prepare this, I heat a non-stick skillet over medium high heat and spray with cooking spray.  I place some chopped, fresh asparagus in the pan, with some salt, pepper and a little balsalmic vinegar.  Then I toss the asparagus until it's looking brown in spots.  At that point, I push the asparagus to the side and crack an egg in the pan.  I scramble/quick fry it, then remove from heat.  I place the egg and asparagus on top of one half of a toasted whole-grain bagel from Panera and top the whole thing with some crumbled goat cheese.  Add some raspberries and it's a super quick, visually appealing, healthy, and very tasty lunch!

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