Thursday, February 2, 2012

Chili Spaghetti

Living in Cincinnati, Ohio now for over 12 years, it's hard to escape the Skyline/Goldstar Cincinnati-style chili phenomenon.  I grew up with chili that was a little bit spicy, with beans, and certainly never thought about serving it atop spaghetti.  And adding chocolate or cinnamon to it?  WEIRD!  My husband grew up with the taste and has tried to make me a convert.  While I tolerate it, Skyline will never be a restaurant I would ever choose to go to on my own (sorry if I'm offending all you die-hard Cincy chili fans out there).

Anyway, we were at our friends the Horstmeyers, and Shannon made the hands-down best chili over spaghetti I have EVER tasted!  It's sort of Cincinnati-style in that it does have cinnamon in it... it's definitely not a beef and bean spicy version.  But it only has a hint of sweetness, and enough tomatoey, meaty taste going on that it's just yummy.

This is her mother's recipe.  Since I'd made my bolognese sauce in the crock pot, I decided to do the same with this, so I changed the type and quantity of tomatoes.  It still turned out just as tasty.  I'm definitely adding this to our Family Recipe Binder!

Chili Spaghetti
1 onion, chopped
2 cans (28 oz. each) crushed tomatoes
2 dashes A1 sauce (I used Worcestershire because that's what I had on hand)
1 clove crushed garlic
1 1/2 T. apple cider vinegar
3 T. chili powder
1 t. cinnamon
3 bay leaves
salt to taste (about 1 t.)
2 lbs. lean ground beef, preferably grass-fed (cooks in crock pot, no need to brown)

Saute the chopped onion over medium heat, with a little oil, until browned, about 8-10 minutes.  Add all ingredients to your crock pot.  Break up the meat as you add it, then give everything a good stir.  Cook on low for 6-8 hours, stirring occasionally.  For last 20 minutes, cook without the lid on.  Any fat (very little for mine) will rise to the top and you can skim it off before serving.
Serve over whole wheat spaghetti, topped with shredded cheddar cheese and low or non-fat sour cream (Trader Joe's makes the BEST non-fat sour cream, in my opinion).

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